Friday, August 8, 2008

So make the best of this test and don't ask why... it's not a question but a lesson learned in time

Yesterday was a good day Seth. I know you have it in you. You know you are capable of it. You have talents and a sense of deep understanding at such a young age... it's staggering to think what you'll be able to accomplish if you set your mind to it.

We read a book last night and laughed out loud. I told you my infamous Indian Guides' kite story and you listened intently.

This morning I mentioned that one of the locations on Dora the Explorer's route, "The Winter Palace" in Russia was a place that your mother and I have been to. You asked if you were there and I responded "No, that was before you were born." Your response... "I was in your eye," referring to the expression "a glimmer in my eye" I've said to you before. You proceeded to make my vegetable juice for me. Something you should probably be at least 5 before you start doing...but what the heck.

Today you made me smile.

Headline from "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)" by Green Day, 1997