Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I want a new toy (oh ay oh), to keep my head expanding

Well, OK...I actually just got one. Ya see boys, your dad is bit of a techno geek. Your mother would likely say that it's not limited to technology. Plus I can't stand it when someone else has the latest and greatest thingamajabber before me. Tell me that there is a new barrel hoop and stick limited "Wi-Fi" edition coming out and I'm camping out to be the first idiot on the block. It's what I do. But this time the toy is really neat-o. Yes, this is my first post from my new iPad. I haven't named her yet but I'm leaning towards Venus because she just may be the goddess of love.

Anyways, my, too soft a pledge is that I will update this blog for you guys more often than I have been lately. It's something that I truly enjoy doing and hopefully one day you guys will enjoy reading.

Headline from "New Toy" by Lene Lovich, 1981