Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ooo you make me live, You you're my best friend

Just a few of the things you boys enjoy doing with me at this stage of your lives....

Seth (aka Bug, Boy, Bubba, Pook, Big Man, Punk Rock)
- Having me make up stories at bedtimes. No Boy, those stories were not scripted.
- Debating which one of us is, in fact, Tootie Butt.
- Racing to see who can get undressed for a shower faster.
- Wrestling on Mommy & Daddy's bed.
- Telling really bad knock-knock jokes.
- Doing a knuckle-bump and then blowing it up. Cuz that's cool.
- Rockin' out to ska music in the car. You telling me to keep my hands on the wheel.
- Keeping secrets from Mommy...especially as it relates to donuts.
- Beating Daddy senseless with your Hulk hands. Or with your regular hands.
- Hearing me talk about when I was a boy. You listen mesmerized.

Sage (aka Monkey, Panda, Baby Bug, Little Man)

- Having me rub my head into your tummy as you laugh and laugh and laugh.
- Flying through the air as “Super Baby” and attacking your bro.
- Looking out the front door with me.
- Listening to me butcher Bob Marley songs.
- Drooling aaalllllll over my head when I lift you up on my shoulders.

Headline from "You're My Best Friend" by Queen, 1975